Practice Mechanical Journeyman Untimed (Light Theme)

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Practice Mechanical Journeyman Untimed (Light Theme)

Practice Mechanical Journeyman Untimed (Light Theme)

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1. In the case of an approved existing mechanical system in a factory with qualified personnel,                                    for periodic alterations to the system.

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2. Mechanical systems in structures located in flood hazard areas shall be located at or above the


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3. Factory-built barbecue appliances shall be of an approved type and installed in accordance with the IMC and the International __________ Code

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4. Air transported to occupied spaces through rock or dust-producing materials by means other than natural convection shall be filtered before entering the              .

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5. Where roof-mounted solar collectors serve as the roof covering, the use of plastic solar collectors is exempt from the building code’s general roof covering requirements if the collector cover meets the requirements for                          .

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6. If a thermostat is not an integral part of the sauna heater, a heat-sensing element shall be located a maximum of ___________ inches below the ceiling.

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7. Unless adequately separated vertically, plume discharges from cooling towers shall be a minimum of __________ feet away from any ventilation inlets to a building.

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8. Unless doubled, studs within an exterior bearing wall may contain bored holes with a maximum diameter of                              percent of the stud depth.

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9. Every occupied space shall be ventilated by natural or ____________ means

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10. The mechanical provisions of the International Residential Code are applicable to one and two-family dwellings and townhouses a maximum of                    stories above grade plane in height.

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11. Copper Alloy Tubing shall be supported every _______ feet when in a horizontal position.

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12. Cooking appliances installed within areas where domestic cooking operations occur shall be listed and labeled as _________-type appliance for domestic use.

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13. Masonry fireplaces shall be constructed in accordance with ___________________

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14. Where natural ventilation is used, the maximum rated output capacity of hydrogen generating appliances shall not exceed 4 standard cubic feet per minute of hydrogen for each                          square feet of floor area.

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15. The flash point of heat transfer fluids used in solar systems in Group F or H occupancies shall not be lower                                .

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16. Once a permit has expired because the authorized work was not commenced or was suspended/abandoned, a new permit may be issued at one-half the amount required for a new permit, provided the work has not been abandoned for more than                               .

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17. Where attics or structural spaces are used as part of a passive solar system,                    of such spaces is not required where other approved means of controlling condensation are provided.

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18. The code official shall require construction documents and specifications to be prepared by a registered design professional when                                  .

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19. Walls enclosing occupiable rooms where food is stored, served or sold shall be constructed to protect against the entrance of                           in accordance with the building code.

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20. Labels on pressurized water storage tanks shall clarify that the specifications apply to the                         .

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21. For a radiant heating panel attached to wood framing, fasteners shall be a minimum of _______ inch from any element.

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22. Discharge of chemical waste from a fluid cooler shall be approved by the ________________.

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23. Heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems shall be designed and installed for efficient use of energy in accordance with the                        .

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24. When located within a repair garage, appliances with an ignition source shall be elevated such that the ignition source is a minimum of                             inches above the garage floor.

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25. Ducts shall not be attached to vented wall furnaces ____________.

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26. In general, solar thermal equipment exposed to vehicle traffic shall be installed a minimum of                 feet above the floor.

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27. Holes in webs of cold-formed steel studs in a nonbearing wall can be a maximum                       inches in length.

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28. A person holding a permit has the right to apply for an extension, provided the permit                          .

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29. Access panels that must be removed for normal servicing operations on vented furnaces shall not ________.

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30. A mechanical system that constitutes a fire or health hazard shall be declared                              .

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31. The purpose of this code is to provide _____________ standards to safeguard life or limb, health, property and public welfare.

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32. The __________ is not required on an application for a permit.

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33. Equipment and appliances having an ignition source shall                   in Group H Occupancies or control areas where open use, handling or dispensing of combustible,” flammable or explosive materials occurs.

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34. Where used, draft hoods and draft barometric regulators shall be installed                               

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35. Where vehicles are capable of passing under an appliance installed in a public garage. the appliance shall be installed a minimum of                      inches higher than the tallest vehicle garage door opening.

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36. The permit or a copy shall be kept on the site of the work __________.

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37. A permanent approved means of access is required for appliances installed on roofs WAY, at a height exceeding                 feet.

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38. Where the code official finds that a proposed alternative material does not comply with the intent of the code provisions, the code official shall ________.

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39. Guards are not required for rooftop appliances requiring service where                         .

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40. The minimum dimension of an outdoor combustion air opening is                    inches.

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41. _________ provide supporting documentation to verify that an alternative material or assembly complies with the intent of the code.

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42. Required guards installed around rooftop service platforms shall be not less than              inches in height.

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43. Where an appliance is located in an attic, a                     is required at the access opening to the attic passageway.

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44. The code official has the authority to  ____________ the provisions of the code.

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45. Unless located within a dwelling unit, rooms containing appliances shall be provided with a door and an unobstructed passageway measuring not less than                      inches wide and 80 inches high.

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46. For a clearance reduction system using ventilated air space, the system shall maintain an air space clearance to combustible materials of at least                inch(es).

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47. Where a space is provided outdoor combustion air through a single opening, a clearance of at least                      inches is required in front of the appliance.

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48. An installation is not required to be brought into compliance if it is _________ at the time of adoption of the code.

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49. In bearing partitions, any wood stud is permitted to be cut or notched to a depth not exceeding                                  percent of its width.

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50. Unless otherwise protected from impact, appliances located in a private garage shall be installed a minimum of                         feet above the floor.

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