Practice Mechanical Journeyman Untimed (Light Theme)

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Practice Mechanical Journeyman Untimed (Light Theme)

Practice Mechanical Journeyman Untimed (Light Theme)

1 / 50

1. Which of the following appliances must be tested in accordance with UL 730?

2 / 50

2. Listed and labeled hearth extensions for factory-built fireplaces, fireplace stoves and solid-fuel-type room heaters shall comply with ____________

3 / 50

3. In order for an alternative material, design or method of construction to be considered acceptable, it must be equivalent to the code based on all but which of the following criteria?

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4. The                           shall be responsible for the scheduling of inspections.

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5. Vented wall furnaces shall not circulate air from _________ to other parts of the building.

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6. Access panels that must be removed for normal servicing operations on vented furnaces shall not ________.

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7. An application to the board of appeals shall be filed within                            days after a notice has been served.

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8. The mechanical provisions of the International Residential Code are applicable to one and two-family dwellings and townhouses a maximum of                    stories above grade plane in height.

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9. A                   shall not be used as a heat transfer fluid in a solar system

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10. Where a relief valve is required in a solar energy system, the valve shall be set at a maximum of            percent of the nameplate pressure rating.

11 / 50

11. Cooling towers shall be located to prevent ________________ from entering occupied spaces.

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12. Bored holes shall not be nearer than                            inch to the edge of the stud.

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13. The code official has the authority to grant modifications to the code __________.

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14. In bearing partitions, wood studs may be cut or notched to a maximum depth of                     percent of the stud depth.

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15. Heat exchangers used in domestic water heating systems shall be approved                        .

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16. Other than on the control side, a minimum clearance of ___ inches is required on all sides of a floor furnace.

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17. In the case of an approved existing mechanical system in a factory with qualified personnel,                                    for periodic alterations to the system.

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18. Ducts shall not be attached to vented wall furnaces ____________.

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19. A boiler installed in a closet must                              .

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20. When a building permit is issued, the construction documents shall be stamped                                .

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21. An unvented gas log heater may be installed in a factory-built fireplace where the _____________

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22. Used materials, equipment and appliances may be utilized under which of the following conditions?

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23. Unless adequately separated vertically, plume discharges from cooling towers shall be a minimum of __________ feet away from any ventilation inlets to a building.

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24. A bored hole in a floor joist is limited in diameter to                         percent of the depth of the joist.

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25. A mechanical system that constitutes a fire or health hazard shall be declared                              .

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26. UL 1482 is the appropriate reference standard for the listing and labeling of __________ and ____________

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27. Floor furnaces shall be placed a minimum of ___________ inches from the nearest wall.

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28. Fireplaces and solid fuel-burning appliances shall not be installed in _____________________

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29. A(n) ________ shall be installed ahead of all controls for a vented wall furnace.

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30. Where there is a conflict between a general code requirement and a specific requirement, the                          requirement shall govern.

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31. Unless otherwise protected from impact, appliances located in a private garage shall be installed a minimum of                         feet above the floor.

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32. An installation is not required to be brought into compliance if it is _________ at the time of adoption of the code.

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33. Reduced clearance protective assemblies for gas appliances shall be placed a minimum of           inch(es) from the appliance.

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34. Where a screen is installed at a combustion air opening, the mesh size shall not be smaller than                      inch.

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35. Holes bored in solid wood joists shall be located not less than                      inch(es) from the top and bottom joist.

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36. The code official is authorized to accept reports of inspection by ____________.

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37. A mechanical combustion air system shall supply outdoor air at a rate not less than                 cfm per 1,000 Btu/h of total input rating of all appliances located within the space.

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38. Where a space is provided outdoor combustion air through a single opening, a clearance of at least                      inches is required in front of the appliance.

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39. For a clearance reduction system using ventilated air space, the system shall maintain an air space clearance to combustible materials of at least                inch(es).

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40. Required guards installed around rooftop service platforms shall be not less than              inches in height.

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41. Where a space is provided outdoor combustion air through two openings, one opening must begin within                 inches of the top and within                inches of the bottom of the enclosure.

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42. Only in an emergency situation that poses an immediate hazard to life or property is the code official authorized to _______________.

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43. Suspended mechanical equipment shall be installed a minimum of                   inches above the adjoining grade.

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44. Where the air-infiltration-rate is unknown, a room or space providing indoor combustion air requires a minimum volume of                            cubic feet per 1,000 Btu/h of the appliance input rating.

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45. A 30-inch high attic passageway serving a gas appliance is limited in length to no more than              feet.

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46. Notching at the ends of wood joists shall not exceed                         the joist depth.

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47. Equipment and appliances having an ignition source shall                   in Group H Occupancies or control areas where open use, handling or dispensing of combustible,” flammable or explosive materials occurs.

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48. Fuel gas installations in detached one- and two-family dwellings and multiple single-family dwellings (townhouses) not more than three stories in height with separate means of egress must comply with the ___________

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49. Where appliances are supported by a concrete slab, the slab shall extend at least                        inches above the adjoining grade.

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50. One set of construction documents shall be kept __________ while work is in progress.

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