Practice Mechanical Journeyman Untimed (Dark Theme) 26 January 202418 January 2024 by Report a question What’s wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. Practice Mechanical Journeyman Untimed (Dark Theme) Practice Mechanical Journeyman Untimed 1 / 50 1. Ducts shall not be attached to vented wall furnaces ____________. A) Unless listed as part of the appliance B) Under any conditions C) Unless of a temporary nature D) Unless if noncombustible construction 2 / 50 2. Cooling towers and fluid coolers shall be provided with _____________. A) Ready access B) Limited access C) Restricted access D) Access 3 / 50 3. For studs in a nonbearing partition, the maximum permitted diameter of a bored hole is . percent of the depth of the stud. A) 50 B) 60 C) 25 D) 33 1/3 IMC 302.3.3 IMC 302.3.3 4 / 50 4. Walls enclosing occupiable rooms where food is stored, served or sold shall be constructed to protect against the entrance of in accordance with the building code. A) termites B) rodents C) moisture D) outside air IMC 301.17 IMC 301.17 5 / 50 5. Notches in the top or bottom of solid wood joists are limited to of the depth of the joists. A) 1/6 B) 1/4 C) 1/3 D) 1/2 IMC 302.3.1 IMC 302.3.1 6 / 50 6. Cooking appliances installed within areas where domestic cooking operations occur shall be listed and labeled as _________-type appliance for domestic use. A) Limited B) Residential C) Noncommercial D) Household 7 / 50 7. Solar thermal systems shall not obstruct and building component requiring . A) Replacement or operation B) Repair or replacement C) Operation or access D) Cleaning or repair IMC 1402.2 IMC 1402.2 8 / 50 8. Solar thermal systems containing pressurized fluids shall be protected against pressures and temperatures exceeding design limitations with a valve. A) Drain-down B) Temperature-reduction C) Pop-off D) Pressure and Temperature relief IMC 1402.3 IMC 1402.3 9 / 50 9. A permanent warning notice shall be attached to the sauna room, stating in part “Do not exceed ______ minutes in sauna.” A) 30 B) 45 C) 90 D) 60 10 / 50 10. Unless listed for such an installation, a unit heater shall not be __________. A) Installed in a hazardous location B) Installed on combustible construction C) Placed closer than 20 inches to combustible construction D) Attached to a warm-air duct system 11 / 50 11. Mechanical systems in structures located in flood hazard areas shall be located at or above the . A) 100 year flood level B) elevation required by the IBC C) high water level D) highest flood stage IMC 301.16 IMC 301.16 12 / 50 12. Pressurized thermal water storage tanks shall be listed and labeled, with the label required to indicate all of the following information, except the . A) Maximum heat transfer fluid capacity B) Model number C) Manufacturer's address D) Maximum allowable operating temperature. IMC 1404.2 IMC 1404.2 13 / 50 13. Appliances installed in pits or excavations shall not come in __________ contact with the surrounding soil and shall be installed not less than 3 inches (76mm) above the pit floor A) indirect B) open C) close D) direct 14 / 50 14. The code official has the authority to grant modifications to the code __________. A) where the intent and purpose of the code cannot be met B) related only to administrative functions C) for individual cases where the strict letter of the code is impractical D) for only those issues not affecting fire or life safety IMC 105.1 IMC 105.1 15 / 50 15. Cuts, notches and bored holes are prohibited in structural composite lumber, except where . A) they are limited in size, number and location B) the effects are considered in the design C) approved by the building inspector D) they are located in a bearing wall IMC 302.3.4 IMC 302.3.4 16 / 50 16. The installation of a(n) is prohibited. A) wood burning fireplace in a sleeping room B) oil-fired boiler in a storage closet C) direct-vent appliance in a bathroom D) fuel-fired furnace in a crawl space IMC 303.3 IMC 303.3 17 / 50 17. When a building permit is issued, the construction documents shall be stamped . A) “Approved for Construction” B) “Accepted as Reviewed” C) “Approved” D) “Reviewed for Code Compliance” IMC 106.4.1 IMC 106.4.1 18 / 50 18. Except for , heat exchangers shall be labeled to indicate the type of heat exchanger used. A) Single-wall with leak protection B) Double-wall without leak protection C) Single-wall without leak protection D) Double-wall with leak protection IMC 1404.4 IMC 1404.4 19 / 50 19. The code official shall require construction documents and specifications to be prepared by a registered design professional when . A) the proposal does not comply with the code B) required by state law C) required by the jurisdictional attorney D) there are questions related to energy conservation IMC 106.3.1 IMC 106.3.1 20 / 50 20. The minimum side clearance to combustibles for a commercial clothes dryer shall be _________. A) 4 inches B) 12 inches C) 8 inches D) Determined by the manufacturer’s instructions 21 / 50 21. Access panels that must be removed for normal servicing operations on vented furnaces shall not ________. A) Be attached to the building construction B) Be of combustible material C) Be located below any overhead obstruction D) Have less than 36 inches of clear working spaces 22 / 50 22. Where the depth of an excavation housing an appliance exceeds 12 inches below the adjoining grade, the walls of the pit or excavation shall be lined with concrete or masonry extending a minimum of inches above adjoining grade. A) 8 B) 12 C) 10 D) 4 IMC 303.7 IMC 303.7 23 / 50 23. A boiler installed in a closet must . A) have a side clearance of not less than 30 inches B) have a minimum ceiling height of 8 feet C) be provided with outside ventilation air D) be listed for installation in a closet IMC 303.5 IMC 303.5 24 / 50 24. When provided to control the main burner operation of a sauna heater, a timer shall have a maximum operating time of __________ minutes. A) 60 B) 45 C) 30 D) 90 25 / 50 25. A permit is not required for a self-contained refrigeration system that contains a maximum of pound(s) of refrigerant. A) 20 B) 5 C) 1 D) 10 IMC 106.2 #7 IMC 106.2 #7 26 / 50 26. Notches in the top or bottom of solid wood joists shall not be located in the middle of the span. A) 1/4 B) 1/8 C) 1/3 D) 1/2 IMC 302.3.1 IMC 302.3.1 27 / 50 27. Notches on the ends of solid wood joists shall not exceed percent of the joist depth. A) 60 B) 33 1/3 C) 25 D) 40 IMC 302.3.1 IMC 302.3.1 28 / 50 28. For a radiant heating panel attached to wood framing, fasteners shall be a minimum of _______ inch from any element. A) 1/4 B) 1/2 C) 3/4 D) 1 29 / 50 29. ________________ is any appliance in which the products of combustion at the point of entrance to the flue under normal operating conditions have a temperature of more than 1,000 degrees F, but not greater than 2,000 degrees F. A) low-heat appliance B) residential appliance C) high-heat appliance D) medium-heat appliance 30 / 50 30. Potable water supplies to solar systems shall be protected against contamination in accordance with the . A) State Environmental Agency B) Clean Water Act of 1964 C) International Plumbing Code D) County health department IMC 1401.2 IMC 1401.2 31 / 50 31. Only in an emergency situation that poses an immediate hazard to life or property is the code official authorized to _______________. A) condemn the installation B) declare the installation unsafe C) post a stop work order D) require disconnection of utility service 32 / 50 32. The IFGC regulates piping systems for natural gas with an operating pressure of _________ psig or less. A) 100 B) 90 C) 125 D) 25 33 / 50 33. Provided there are no unsafe conditions, classified _________ buildings are exempt from the provisions of the code. A) Police stations B) Historic C) Fire stations D) Public works 34 / 50 34. A permanent approved means of access is required for appliances installed on roofs WAY, at a height exceeding feet. A) 16 B) 24 C) 20 D) 10 IFGC 306.5 IFGC 306.5 35 / 50 35. Where the air-infiltration-rate is unknown, a room or space providing indoor combustion air requires a minimum volume of cubic feet per 1,000 Btu/h of the appliance input rating. A) 50 B) 75 C) 15 D) 25 IFGC 304.5.1 IFGC 304.5.1 36 / 50 36. A mechanical combustion air system shall supply outdoor air at a rate not less than cfm per 1,000 Btu/h of total input rating of all appliances located within the space. A) 21 B) 15 C) 0.35 D) 0.50 IFGC 304.9 IFGC 304.9 37 / 50 37. Where mechanical exhaust interferes with the operation of an appliance, is required. (SHALL BE PROVIDED) A) makeup air B) an automatic appliance shut-off device C) an appliance enclosure D) an interlock between the appliance and exhaust fan IFGC 304.4 IFGC 304.4 38 / 50 38. Fuel gas installations in detached one- and two-family dwellings and multiple single-family dwellings (townhouses) not more than three stories in height with separate means of egress must comply with the ___________ A) International Building Code (IBC) B) International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC) C) International Mechanical Code (IMC) D) International Residential Code (IRC) 39 / 50 39. One set of construction documents shall be kept __________ while work is in progress. A) At the job site B) With original designer C) With building owner D) With the contractor 40 / 50 40. An addition to a fuel gas installation shall conform to that required for ______ installations. A) Existing B) Modified C) Relocated D) New 41 / 50 41. Unless otherwise protected from impact, appliances located in a public garage shall be installed a minimum of feet above the floor. A) 10 B) 12 C) 15 D) 8 IFGC 305.4 IFGC 305.4 42 / 50 42. The code official is authorized to accept reports of inspection by ____________. A) Approved agencies or individuals B) Registered design professionals C) Special inspectors D) Specialized contractors 43 / 50 43. _________ provide supporting documentation to verify that an alternative material or assembly complies with the intent of the code. A) Construction documents B) Manufacturer's instructions C) Inspection reports D) Research reports 44 / 50 44. Combustion air requirements for appliances with power burners are determined by . A) The known air infiltration rate method B) The manufacturer's instructions C) engineering calculations D) research reports IFGC 304.1 IFGC 304.1 45 / 50 45. Condensate piping for fuel burning condensing appliances shall maintain a minimum horizontal slope of units vertical in 12 units horizontal. A) 3/8 B) 1/4 C) 1/2 D) 1/8 IFGC 307.2 IFGC 307.2 46 / 50 46. Unless located within a dwelling unit, rooms containing appliances shall be provided with a door and an unobstructed passageway measuring not less than inches wide and 80 inches high. A) 24 B) 30 C) 36 D) 32 IFGC 306.2 IFGC 306.2 47 / 50 47. The IFGC does not apply to ________________. A) Gaseous hydrogen systems B) LP-gas piping systems C) Gas appliance ventilation air D) Oxygen-fuel gas cutting systems 48 / 50 48. Equipment and appliances having an ignition source shall in Group H Occupancies or control areas where open use, handling or dispensing of combustible,” flammable or explosive materials occurs. A) be isolated in a separate room B) be listed as flammable ignition resistant C) not be installed D) be elevated IFGC 305.2 IFGC 305.2 49 / 50 49. The maximum length of an electrical bonding jumper for a corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) system is feet. A) 100 B) 150 C) 25 D) 75 IFGC 310.2.3 IFGC 310.2.3 50 / 50 50. Which of the following individuals is not qualified to serve on the Board of Appeals for the IFGC? A) A registered design professional with fuel gas and plumbing engineering experience B) A registered design professional who is a registered architect C) An electrical contractor with at least 10 years of experience, 5 of which the contractor was responsible for the work D) A single-family dwelling home owner Your score is Share your results with your friends LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte