Practice Mechanical Journeyman Untimed (Dark Theme)

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Practice Mechanical Journeyman Untimed (Dark Theme)

Practice Mechanical Journeyman Untimed

1 / 50

1. Sauna heaters shall be ___________.

2 / 50

2. Floor furnaces shall not be installed in___________ construction built on grade.

3 / 50

3. The code official has the authority to grant modifications to the code __________.

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4. A permanent warning notice shall be attached to the sauna room, stating in part “Do not exceed ______ minutes in sauna.”

5 / 50

5. Unless adequately separated vertically, plume discharges from cooling towers shall be a minimum of __________ feet away from any ventilation inlets to a building.

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6. When requirements necessary for proper operation of a proposed mechanical system are not specifically covered by the code, such requirements shall be determined by                               .

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7. When calculating free area for required natural ventilation openings serving indoor hydrogen-refueling operations, it can be assumed that wood louvers will have                        percent free area.

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8. The installation of a(n)                         is prohibited.

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9. Where natural ventilation is used, the maximum rated output capacity of hydrogen generating appliances shall not exceed 4 standard cubic feet per minute of hydrogen for each                          square feet of floor area.

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10. ______________ occupancy occurs where two or more occupancies are are located within the same building.

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11. Labels on pressurized water storage tanks shall clarify that the specifications apply to the                         .

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12. Notches in the top or bottom of solid wood joists shall not be located in the middle                      of the span.

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13. Where a relief valve is required in a solar energy system, the valve shall be set at a maximum of            percent of the nameplate pressure rating.

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14. The quality of water supplied to evaporative cooling equipment shall be in accordance with the ________.

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15. Bored holes shall not be nearer than                            inch to the edge of the stud.

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16. Where the code official finds that a proposed alternative material does not comply with the intent of the code provisions, the code official shall __________.

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17. In general, floor furnaces shall have a minimum clearance from grade of not less than ________ inches.

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18. Vented wall furnaces shall not circulate air from _________ to other parts of the building.

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19. Walls enclosing occupiable rooms where food is stored, served or sold shall be constructed to protect against the entrance of                           in accordance with the building code.

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20. Notches on the ends of solid wood joists shall not exceed                         percent of the joist depth.

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21. Mechanical systems in structures located in flood hazard areas shall be located at or above the


22 / 50

22. The discharge of the air shall be to the outdoors in accordance with Chapter 5. Exhaust from mechanical ventilation systems shall be discharged not less than _______ feet from a property line or openings into buildings.

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23. Sauna heaters shall be equipped with a thermostat that will limit room temperature to a maximum of  ___________ ˚F.

24 / 50

24. UL 1482 is the appropriate reference standard for the listing and labeling of __________ and ____________

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25. The code official has the authority to __________ the provisions of the code.

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26. Appliances located in private garages and carports shall be installed with a minimum clearance of ___________ feet (1829 mm) above the floor.

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27. Sides of pits or excavations used for appliance locations shall be held back a minimum of           inches from the equipment.

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28. The location of cooling towers on the property shall be as required in accordance with the International _____________  Code.

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29. Suspended oil-fired unit heaters shall be installed in accordance with __________.

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30. Heat exchangers for solar energy systems shall have adequate protection to ensure that the potability of the water supply and distribution system is                  .

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31. When using the known air-infiltration-rate method for indoor combustion air, the maximum infiltration rate that can be used in the equations is                        ACH.

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32. Appliances having an ignition sources shall be elevated such that the ignition source is not less than                   inches above the floor in a private garage.

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33. Appliances located in an attic shall be provided with a level service space not less than            inches deep and              inches wide.

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34. Tests performed by  __________ may be required by the code official where there is insufficient evidence of code compliance.

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35. A mechanical combustion air system shall supply outdoor air at a rate not less than                 cfm per 1,000 Btu/h of total input rating of all appliances located within the space.

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36. Where vehicles are capable of passing under an appliance installed in a public garage. the appliance shall be installed a minimum of                      inches higher than the tallest vehicle garage door opening.

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37. Where the code official finds that a proposed alternative material does not comply with the intent of the code provisions, the code official shall ________.

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38. Where a space is provided outdoor combustion air through a single opening, a clearance of at least                      inches is required in front of the appliance.

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39. Condensate piping for fuel burning condensing appliances shall maintain a minimum horizontal slope of                 units vertical in 12 units horizontal.

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40. The code official has the authority to grant modifications to the code  ____________.

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41. Where mechanical exhaust interferes with the operation of an appliance,                         is required. (SHALL BE PROVIDED)

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42. One set of construction documents shall be kept __________ while work is in progress.

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43. Alternative methods or materials not specifically prescribed by the code are permitted when _________.

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44. Unless otherwise protected from impact, appliances located in a public garage shall be installed a minimum of                      feet above the floor.

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45. A 30-inch high attic passageway serving a gas appliance is limited in length to no more than              feet.

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46. Combustion air requirements for appliances with power burners are determined by                         .

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47. Notching at the ends of wood joists shall not exceed                         the joist depth.

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48. The code official has the authority to allow temporary connection of an installation to the sources of energy for the purpose of ________________.

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49. _________ provide supporting documentation to verify that an alternative material or assembly complies with the intent of the code.

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50. The maximum length of an electrical bonding jumper for a corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) system is                        feet.

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